
Discovering Biblical Equality: Complementarity without Hierarchy is unavailable, but you can change that!

Discovering Biblical Equality presents a Scripturally-founded case for the complementarity of the sexes outside hierarchal gender roles. These 29 essays represent both a positive explanation and thoughtful defense of Biblical gender equality, fostering dialogue within the greater evangelical movement on a topic that touches the lives of all believers. Discussions surrounding the roles of men and...

the land and its stewardship (kabash is used in Josh 18:1).9 Such stewardship is given to humanity as “male and female” in God’s command for “them” to “rule over” creation (Gen 1:26–27) and is exemplified by the way the man “works and takes care of” (see NIV) the Garden (Gen 2:15) and names the animals (Gen 2:19–20). However, its ramifications go beyond gardening and zoology to include the ongoing activity of God’s ordering and creating in the world and in civilization. Does Genesis 1:26–28 address
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